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Do you sweat?

Sweat Does Not Mean You Are Burning Fats! 

This is a common misconception. (Yes, i have heard this from many exercisers!).
It is just the body's mechanism to stay cool and not get you overheated that you might suffer  heat stroke. 

That is why it is important to hydrate well and stock up on the electrolytes that you lose through sweat. If you are exposed to extreme heat or you have been exerting yourself for long periods of time, drink your energy drink rich with pottasium, sodium and glucose for recovery. 

Hydrate well. Dont let your skin dry up. Wrinkles aged you. 

On the other hand, as the sweat bathes your skin, you get moisturised. It is important that you keep your skin clean   or you will end up having pimples and  acne.

Your Skin Is The Largest Organ Of The body And It Is Your Body's First Line Of Defence. So You Definitely Want It To Be Strong.

How do you strengthen your first line of defence? Apart from good nutrition and effective exercise, your skincare routine is important. 

But with all of the cleansers, toners moisturisers,, serums, oils and more, you might get overwhelmed. 
Stress less. And stressless. 
Back to basics - Organic Skincare. 

More Than 60% Of What We Put On Our Skin Is Absorbed Into Our Body.

Hence, synthetic chemicals in many skincare preparations soak into the skin and, as the body cannot recognise and process these 'foreign' substances, these  accumulate in your body with the potential over time to cause an allergic skin reaction (such as contact dermatitis or eczema) and / or disrupt other systems in the body. 

Choosing certified organic body care is as important in decreasing the toxic load on the body by choosing a healthy diet. Plants grown organically yield the purest oils and extracts, free from herbicide and pesticide contamination. It also yields a higher level of vital antioxidant vitamins than non organic. 

Using organic products also means that you are helping to support the sustainability of our environment.  Organic farming is better for wildlife, causes lower pollution from sprays, and produces less carbon dioxide and less dangerous wastes.

Go Green. Go Organic.

After all, 


Dee Dee Mahmood, multi award winning Celebrity Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist, is the Academic Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University Australia. Her PhD research on obesity was chosen for its impact on obesity in Asia and was accepted and presented at the President's Cup Award, American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting in Tacoma, Washington. Ambassadors to brands like Reebok and Norwegian Seafood Council, this TEDX  Speaker has several signature community programs to her name, Fat2Fit Asia and Walking Football for Health Asia. She conducts  synergy on community and corporate health and research collaborations internationally.

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I Am Dee Dee Mahmood

Profile Updated Apr 2022 Dr Dee Dee Mahmood(PhD) is the Regional Head, Regional Head (RAAN ECU) & A djunct Senior Lecturer (International  Collaborations) at Edith  Cowan University Australia.  An international multi-award-winning Celebrity Exercise Physiologist,  Nutritionist, TEDx Speaker & Talk Show Host. A Golden Key  Honour Society Scholar,  her  research on obesity was chosen for its impact on obesity in Asia and was accepted and presented at the President's Cup Award, American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting.  Ambassadors to brands like Reebok, Norwegian Seafood Council, Dr Dee Dee  has several signature communities-crossing-countries fitness research programmes to her name, Fat2Fit Asia and Walking Football4Health. Her research interests includes high intensity exercise, obesity,  metabolic health & weight management and walking football. This media darling conducts synergy on community/ corporate health and research collabor

About Dr Dee & Walking Football4Health

I Am Dee Dee Mahmood Dr Dee Dee Mahmood(PhD) is the Regional Head (RAAN ECU) ,   A djunct Academic (International  Collaborations) and Research Scientist at  Edith  Cowan University Australia.   An international multi-award-winning Celebrity Exercise Physiologist,  Nutritionist, TEDx Speaker & Talk Show Host. A Golden Key  Honour Society Scholar,  her  research on obesity was chosen for its impact on obesity in Asia and was accepted and presented at the President's Cup Award, American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting.  Ambassadors to brands like Reebok, Norwegian Seafood Council, Dr Dee Dee  has several signature communities-crossing-countries fitness research programmes to her name, Fat2Fit Asia & Walking Football4Health.  Her research interests includes high intensity exercise, obesity,  metabolic health & weight management and walking football. This media darling conducts synergy on community/ corporate health and research collaborations internatio