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Chinese New Year is a good time to get well.

The abundance of nuts and mandarin oranges helps. Read on..

But first let us understand why we fall sick or have medical conditions. 

Inflammation is an auto immune body system which tries helping us with recovery. And, inflammation over the long haul can  weaken our body and makes us fall sick with flu and fever or even asthma, arthritis, diabetes and all medical conditions etc

But wait, inflammation does help too! How?
Acute inflammation
When you accidentally hit your thumb instead of the hammer while trying to hang up a photo frame on the wall, you will experience acute inflammation. This is the redness, heat, and swelling at the injured area, triggered by the flood of white blood cells summoned by your body to surround and protect the wound. 
Acute inflammation also happens internally when you get the flu. Those same white blood cells attacks the bacteria/virus in your tissues and bloodstream. Heat and swelling of acute inflammation are all part of your body’s battle against the invaders that cause infection. They help speed the healing process.

Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation is alarmingly worrying. It makes you fall sick over the long period as your body weakens.  It happens when the white blood cells produced by your body to fight off infection don’t retreat. In this case, they attack healthy tissues and organs. 
With chronic inflammation, you’ll start to see problems wherever you’re genetically weakest. 
If it is your arteries, you get heart disease; your joints, you get arthritis; your brain, you get  Alzheimer’s disease etc etc

How To Fight Inflammation?
How to fight inflammation? If you are obese, losing 3% of your weight will put your body in a better state to flight inflammation. So if you are 100 kg, losing just 3 kg will help your anti inflammation process. 
How to fight inflammation? Eat these: 
Our diets can play an important role in chronic inflammation.  Our digestive bacteria release chemicals that may spur or suppress inflammation. Do you know that the types of bacteria that is in our gut and their chemical byproducts vary according to the foods we eat. Some foods encourage the growth of populations of bacteria that stimulate inflammation, while others promote the growth of bacteria that suppress inflammation.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Brightly coloured  fruits and vegetables naturally contain high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols  - a potentially protective compounds found in plants. 

  • Nuts 
     are associated with reduced markers of inflammation and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans are excellent sources of vitamin E, with its anti oxidant properties too. 
  • Coffee. Polyphenols in coffee and the flavonols in cocoa have anti-inflammatory properties. Enjoy your sips if you are trying to stay awake for the late night mahjong.  However, make sure you dont overdose.
Dee Dee and Nurul coffee-ing @Starbucks Our Tampines Hub & and I am a fan of the friendly and efficient coffee barristas here!

So yaaay! For the anti-inflammatory Chinese New Year mandarin oranges! 

Gong Xi Fa Cai...Ang Pow lai laa

Yours in health and happiness during this auspicious Chinese New Year,

Dee Dee Mahmood

Dee Dee Mahmood, multi award winning Celebrity Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist, is the Academic Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University Australia. Her PhD research on obesity was chosen for its impact on obesity in Asia and was accepted and presented at the President's Cup Award, American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting in Tacoma, Washington. Ambassadors to brands like Reebok, Norwegian Seafood Council and Celebrity Beaute, this TEDX  Speaker has several signature community programs to her name, Fat2Fit Asia and Walking Football for Health Asia. She conducts  synergy on community and corporate health and research collaborations internationally.

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