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A Launch to Remember

Written By: Shahrom Asmani (ex-football reporter for a few magazines and newspapers)
39-year old Football Crazy Person has been in love with football ever since he attended Singapore National Team’s matches at Kallang Stadium in the roaring 80’s. Has been a goalkeeper for a good part of the decade for a variety of teams but joined WaF4H last year because of the team’s mission and values.

WaF4H does not only allow participants to play football, holistically the team concentrates on various other aspects as well such as food, nutrition and personal well-being. Hopefully WaF4H can lengthen this writer’s career, be it in the football field or in the part-time writing arena as well. 

A Launch to Remember

“It’s a good event. After many trainings, there’s matches for us to play against good opponents. And I get to improve my game as well.

I get to meet my friends, as well as make new ones, such as the ones from UM (University of Malaya). Also like a family day.

Hopefully in 2020, we can have more members and have more events like this,” she commented.

The comments belonged to a certain Paridah Bte Said, a dedicated Walking Football4Health (WaF4H) member who has been with the team since 2017.

She was talking about the Launch Event of Ten-3Gen, a movement spearheaded by Celebrity Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist Dee Dee Mahmood and fully supported by Member of Parliament Mr Saktiandi Supaat, ActiveSG, Toa Payoh Novena CSC, International Sports Academy, Edith Cowan University, Australia and Walking Football Association, United Kingdom.

Many Organizations Fully Supporting WaF4H Movement

Professor Robert Newton, Associate Dean, Medical and Exercise Sciences and Research Professor, Exercise and Medicine Research Institute at Edith Cowan University, Australia, addressed the crowd with a few important points.

He said, “The number one problem in the world, currently, is not climate change. It is also not financial issues. The number one problem that we are currently facing at the moment is chronic diseases.

This is a great initiative which can be rolled out to anyone and that is why it is so important to have the three generations because we need the children, adults and older adults to be involved in this.

To take responsibility for their health and really improve their communities. Enjoy your day and I hope you stay involved with Walking Football for the rest of your life,” he further added.

Professor Robert Newton Giving a Short Speech

There were many teams that took part in the day’s Walking Football festivities but 2 teams definitely deserved special mention.

University of Malaya (UM) came in from Malaysia to take part in the event and a Celebrities team also decided to have a go, despite not having any formal training at all.

Rafizzudin Rafiz, an Administration Officer at the Human Resources Department of UM, said, “Our contingent consists of 9 players, supposed to be 10 but the player had to pull out last minute due to family matters.

“We just reached at 7 am in the morning. All our bags are still here. (in the stadium) Afterwards we will be checking in to our hotel.

“In 2017, some of our players actually came to Singapore because they were invited by Dee Dee. We still maintained close contact and hence, why, we came here today,” Rafizzudin beamed, even though one can sense his tiredness after a long journey from Malaysia.

UM Players Taking a Group Photo with MP Mr Saktiandi

UM Players Participating in a Competitive Game
The UM players had two weeks of Walking Football training before they decided to arrive in Singapore on the 30th November, 2019.

The Celebrities team, however, had no formal training whatsoever. Nevertheless, they still gave a good account of themselves.

Eddy Nor Ali, a renowned Malay Entertainment Celebrity who only plays badminton regularly as his form of exercise, was impressed by the event.

He said, “It’s a very new experience for me. First time I am actually playing Walking Football.

I played soccer when I was much younger. I represented my Secondary School. However, I stopped playing when I was a young adult because I was injured while playing the game.

Walking Football, the trainings every Sunday from 5 to 7 pm, is definitely highly encouraged because it will give a chance for the grandfathers, the grandmothers, the fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and grandchildren, to bond strongly,” Eddy commented.

Great Opportunity for the Celebrities to Bond

Yusoff Maruwi Trying to Outfox WaF4H Goalkeeper Zamri Ismail

WaF4H felt honoured to have many organizations and important people coming in to support the Walking Football cause.

Sophian Bin Salleh said, “It’s really good exposure for everyone. In terms of the matches themselves, it’s good to know how good or bad we are competitively as we have other teams to play against.

Should there be more tournaments or launches like this, we have to be prepared to play in competitive games in the future,” he mentioned.

Kasmawarni Binte Yayit was very pleased with WaF4H’s efforts on the 30th.

She said, “I felt that the event went by very smoothly due to everyone chipping in together, a special mention to my friends and the volunteers under team administration who helped with the preparations.

The participants looked very happy and played with a lot of passion even though it was a very hot day.

I really hope that WaF4H can progress much further and we can attract many people to join us because Walking Football does not only improve our physical aspect but our mental aspect as well,” she pointed out.

Mas Azhari Bin Yayit, WaF4H coach, was very pleased with everyone in terms of their match performance as well as how everyone worked together to make the Launch a success.

He said, “The event went by smoothly and it was very fun for everyone. The participants looked very happy and they were very satisfied with the day’s proceedings.

“Hopefully WaF4H can spread even further, even throughout the whole world, as an activity that can be fun for everyone in the family,” the coach hoped for.
Our Coaches Were Introduced to the Participants

WaF4H Players Who Are Going to Perth, Australia for the Community Games in December

WaF4H Players Cheering On Their Teammates

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