Do you find that you experience the urgency to urinate very frequently, even when the urine that you release is just a trickle or sometimes none at all?
These urinary symptoms include frequency, urgency, and burning. This is Incontinence.
For women, incontinence is a common side effect of childbirth. In men, most often it is a side effect of treatment for prostate problems.
Visit the doctor to be examined. If you have determined that it is not a case of UTI (urinary tract infection), then it is time not to take bladder control for granted.
- Watch your weight kilos. Just losing that excess weight can do wonders for women especially. Extra abdominal fat weakens the pelvic floor muscles and lead to stress incontinence (leaking when coughing, laughing, sneezing, etc.).
- Be active. This is proven in the Nurses' Health Study where middle-aged women who were most physically active were least likely to develop incontinence.
- Minimize bladder irritants. Caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, artificial sweetener aspartame, spicy foods, citrus fruits and juices causes incontinence urges.
- Don't strain with bowel movements. As this can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. If your stools are frequently hard or take considerable effort to pass, ensure that your hydration is adequate with 8 to 12 glasses of water daily. Eat high fibre foods like whole grains and fruits and vegetables which helps with bowel movements against constipation.
Yours always in good health and happiness,
Dee Dee
- Consultant, Exercise Physiologist & Nutritionist
- Golden Key International Honor Society Scholar
- TEDX Speaker
- 2018 International Scientific Committee & International Ambassador of World Conference on Exercise Medicine-WHO
More about Dee Dee on:
Singapore : (65) 9180 7372
Malaysia: (60) 1139 880378
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