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Walking Football for Health Launch  by the Guest of Honour, Member of Parliament of Tampines GRC and Mayor of North East District Mr Desmond Choo on 25 November 2017 #CommitmentToHealth movement was special.
In celebration of health through the ages with a modified sports - Walking Football.

It was a communities-crossing-countries health empowerment movement, pooling together women of all ages (from 20's to 60's) with different levels of fitness (from sedentary to the fit) with various levels of health status, from the healthy to those with diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, asthma and even post cancer.

Dee Dee welcoming  Guest of Honour - Member of Parliament, Tampines GRC 
& Mayor  of North East CDC,  Mr Desmond Choo
Member of Parliament, Tampines GRC & Mayor of North East CDC, Mr Desmond Choo 
Inaugural Walking Football for Health Asia Launch Kick 

A research initiative driven by Celebrity Dee Dee Mahmood,  multi-award winning Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist & Academic Adjunct Senior Lecturer (International Collaborations) of Edith Cowan University Australia, studying the impact of modified sports on community health, in collaborations with American College of Sports Medicine North-West's Professor Dr Dan Heil of Montana State University, with strong support from our partners in health - International Sports Academy, MHI Training Master, Peacehealth Ambulance, Fitharmonik Online, Norwegian Seafood Council, Mak Ai Nasi Padang, People's Association and Tampines Changkat CC & RC Zone 4 and WAKO, Active Red and XLab were on site promoting physical activity too.

The day at Angsana Primary School field started with the strapping of heart rate monitors, GPS and accelerometers on the players. We received help from the capable organisational team of #deedeegals
(Rina Moktar, Nurhairati, Suzana Ary, Siti Rohani Jaafar, Sharifah Dayana Sherif, Yatie Mohd and  Sapiah Rosdi) and students from International Sports Academy.

Organisational Team of #deedeegals  and 
International Sports Academy students with Prof Heil

Lion Angels Singapore was divided into 2 teams Lion Angels Extreme and Lion Angels Dynamite. They were up against Tiger D'Warriors team from  Malaysia in a round robin league system; whereby each team plays one another once with 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and nil for match lost.

The walking football competition was fierce emotionally, maybe a first for some,  but life-changing and character-building for many. Emotions were running its highs and lows.

Lion Angels Singapore Goalkeepers - Rayhana Wahid & Sueelly Samsi
Tiger d'Warriors Malaysia Warrior Shout

Lion Angels Extreme Singapore
Team Captain: Rasidah Yahya

The morning research league was won by Lion Angels Extreme.
Final  standing as follows:
Lion Angels Extreme      4 points
Tiger D'Warriors             2 points
Lion Angels Dynamite   1 point

Tiger D'Warriors Malaysia
Team Captain: Najiah Abdullah

The afternoon Exhibition Match between Lion Angels and Tiger D'Warriors ended with the much fitter Tiger d'Warriors winning the match at 4-0.

Talented individuals were celebrated with individual awards for their exemplary performance during the morning league matches.

Paridah Said - Most Valuable Player

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD (by Fitharmonik Online)
Paridah Said (Team Captain - Lion Angels Dynamite) 

Awarded to the player who is an asset to the team, one who contributes in terms of leadership, motivation, discipline and portrays a steely character. She rallies the team together positively. The team functions less without her. She contributes on and off the pitch and is someone the team looks up to.


Rasidah Yahya (Team Captain - Lion Angels Extreme) 
Rasidah Yahya - Most Inspiriong Player
Awarded to the player who faces adversity and obstacles like health, family issues (among others) but yet managed to come up on top on and off the pitch. These challenges proves no barrier to her character and commitment. She also inspires others with her strong display of character.

SPORTSWOMANSHIP AWARD (by Fitharmonik Online)
Nor Alwani Ibrahim (Tiger D'Warriors) 
Nor Alwani Ibrahim - Sportswomanship Award
Awarded to the player who consistently display sporstwomanship. She is calm, cool, collected and displays compassion to not only teammates but also opponents, officials and others around her. She shows the true spirit of sports and athleticism.

MHI Training Master awarded 3 Best Safe Play Awards to:
Noredayou Siwi (Lion Angels Dynamite) 

Norhidayah Hamdi (Lion Angels Dynamite) 

Paridah Said (Team Captain - Lion Angels Dynamite) 
Well, looks like Lion Angels Dynamite is the Best Safe Play team!
Lion Angels Dynamite Singapore
Team Captain: Paridah Said

Our Referee FAS Class 1 Elite Referee Muhammad Don Adzhar Abd Aziz

In the late afternoon before the Exhibition Match between Lion Angels and Tiger D'Warriors, there was a curtain raiser by Girls Dream Team, a youth women soccer team.

The fun of movements with our partners in health - WAKO, Active Red and X Lab

Empowerment of Health & Fitness Through Education

The message of empowerment of health through education and knowledge was emphasised with the presence of Edith Cowan University Australia and International Sports Academy Dr Fady, Jing, Adam , Shanghari respectively who were kept  busy with enquiries on their Sports Science Diploma/Degree/Masters courses.

Dee Dee with Favil (ECU) and Adam (ISA) 
Guest of Honour Minister & Mayor Mr Desmond with ECU and ISA 

Dee Dee, herself an alumni and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University Australia and Lecturer for International Sports Academy was promoting her exciting and inspiring journey in education for the empowerment of health and fitness.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Dee Dee Mahmood and International Sports Academy for the promotion and growth of personal fitness and sports science industry in Singapore.

Minister Mayor Mr Desmond Choo with Dee Dee, Mr Mark Chay, Director, Mr Joel Lim, Chief Financial Officer 
MOU Signing between Dee Dee Mahmood with Mr Joel Lim, Chief Financial Officer, International Sports Academy

Promoters of Health reached out to the Attendees at the Event

MHI Training Master, a P.A. certified provider, demonstrated CPR and AED First Aid. I have always promoted the importance and need to be a certified First Aider including all housewives. You might not know whose life you will save.
MHI Training Master demonstrating the CPR and AED 

Peacehealth Ambulance was extremely efficient in handling match injuries and they had a Standby ambulance all ready to be mobilised in case there is a need to. However as the award Best Safe Play denoted - it was safe and fair play for all teams and the standby ambulance was not used.

Partners in Health: MHI Training Master (Md Faizal Ithnin, Daud Hassan & Johari Ismail), Peacehealth Ambulance (Intan Sambri, Md Hidayat Hamzah, Abd Latiff Ahmat, Danish Mirza) & Fitharmonik Online (Rosmani)

Nutrition in exercise recovery was supported by Fitharmonik Online. As a Nutritionist and Exercise Physiologist, I am always educating that protein is important for muscles repair and growth and it is particularly important after sports, including walking football. All attendees and players had free samplings of the Pumpkin Spice Protein Recovery (Nutrabio Classic Whey Pumpkin Pie) was the main draw at the booth.
Mr Rosmani of Fitharmonik Online with Lion Angels Dynamite

Another important protein food for recovery, rich with omega-3 fatty acids for heart health and brain and nerve development is the Norwegian salmon and trout.  Norwegian Seafood Council is a proud supporter of Walking Football for Health Asia.

People's Association reached out to the community during the event, to promote Senior Wellness Courses using Skills Development Funds commencing in January to April 2018. It is important to stay active and manage your health for optimal quality of life.
Exercise is medicine, not only in improving ailments but also improving daily functions. Checkout Dee Dee's Courses in Exercise Safety, Chair-Lates, Golden Plate, Golden Steps to Happiness on

 Mak Ai Nasi Padang and Yanty also supports Walking Football for Health Asia

Overall Winner?  HEALTH. 
The empowerment of health. 
And the empowerment of health crossing borders with Walking Football for Health Asia.

There were many winners on Launch Day: Lion Angels Extreme Singapore won the round robin research league in the morning, Tiger D'Warriors Malaysia won the afternoon exhibition match and Lion Angels Dynamite won the Best Safe Play Team.

Partners in Health  reached out to the community in winning ways through community bonding:
#EdithCowanUniversity, #InternationalSportsAcademy, #TampinesChangkatRCZone4, #MHITrainingMaster, #PeacehealthAmbulance, #FitharmonicOnline, #NorwegianSeafoodCouncil, #MakAiNasiPadang, #PeoplesAssociation, #WAKO, #ActiveRed and #XLab.

Appreciation to Coaches Masazhari and Masykur and Goalkeeper Coach Ayah Hamdi and Coaches' Assistants - Ben, Herman and Tahar Ahmad for Lion Angels Singapore and Ahmad Shahrudin, Siti Hawa, Siti Hajah for Tiger D'Warriors Malaysia.
They worked hard in putting together individuals who worked together as a team. And putting people together is a big achievement considering the players' different levels of health and fitness and that their age spans from 20s to 60s.

Thank you to Mr Abdullah of Tampines Changkat RC Zone 4  and our Guest of Honour, Minister of Parliament, Tampines GRC and Mayor of North East District, Mr Desmond Choo. Community enrichment and health empowerment through modified sport - walking football - to combat sedentarism and improve health and quality of life. A definite win.

Our love goes to our   #CommitmentToHealth families, friends, supporters and fans of Walking Football for Health Asia Launch

And you start them young..

Our Very Own Pom Pom Girls by Yatie Mohf & Maznah Omar

Congratulations to Lion Angels Singapore & Tiger d'Warriors Malaysia

#CommitmentToHealth  Walking Football for Health Asia research initiative by Dee Dee Mahmood (Celebrity multi-award winning Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist and Adjunct Senior Lecturer (International Collaborations) & Professor Dr Rob Newton, Dr Fady and Dr Favil of Edith Cowan University, in collaborations with Professor Dr Dan Heil of Montana State University - American College of Sports Medicine North-West, along with International Sports Academy and all our Partners in Health in Singapore and Malaysia has made its grand entrance.  

More photographs below:

Communities-Crossing-Countries Bonding

Empowerment through Education continues the next day with International Sports Academy

Empowerment through education continues the next day 26 Nov 2017 with a Talk entitled "The Health Benefits of Exercise for Aging Adults" by Prof Dan Heil. And the players attended "Basic Exercise Course" at International Sports Academy.

Thank you DJs TG and Mariam on the 1 hour Live Media Coverage Radio 94.2FM

Walking Football for Health Asia
In the words of Sueelly A Samsi, Goalkeeper
Of Lion Angels Singapore:

Dee Dee Mahmood, multi award winning Celebrity Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist, is the Academic Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University Australia. Her PhD research on obesity was chosen for its impact on obesity in Asia and was accepted and presented at the President's Cup Award, American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting in Tacoma, Washington. Ambassadors to brands like Reebok and Norwegian Seafood Council, this TEDX  Speaker has several signature community programs to her name, Fat2Fit Asia and Walking Football for Health Asia. She conducts  synergy on community and corporate health and research collaborations internationally.

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